My Acomplishments In Applied Tech
Some of the things that I have done this year I am very proud of and they are the things
I will share with you. I have done many things last year but none have compared to the things
I have done with my best friend Ashley (the link to their website is located lower). I have learned
how to use Photoshop, code as you can clearly see, I took a field trip to the Microsoft Technology
Center, I learned that what you do for the first time might not matter to some people, but to others
it matters most. For instance if I did this all in one go I might just get some coding wrong but, if I
but, if I take my time and trouble shoot along the way I can make it look great. The things that I love
are reading, technology, friends, music, writing, talking to people face to face.
The Microsoft fieldtrip was something I think of as a privilege. Not a lot of people think the same way,
some think that they should have gone just because they show up for class. I for instance once thought
that my mom had to sign the fieldtrip papers for elementary school but, then I was taught that it was
just the opposite of that. I loved every second of it, I know that some people were not kind and
considerate of the business that was going on. I was kind, I knew that there was important business
going on. Just because you have the chance you don’t get to go immediately because you think you
should. You have to earn the right to be respectful and to be kind to others who are in an important
position in our society.

Here's a pic of me and some other kids standing on the death star!!(Really in front of a green screen at Microsoft!)

Me, my friend Ashley, and Rebecca building a robot made of Legos

Me, Ashley, and Robert practicing to participate in the P21 Sustainability Showcase at Cal State Fullerton

We presented on April 23 and won an Honorable Mention

In one of my classes we learned to Photoshop! Here's a green screen photo!

This is a finished photo!!
Link to Period 6 Folder
Link to Twitter
Link to Ashley
Link to Rebecca