My Accomplishments in Applied Tech
This school year I learned so many things such as Photoshop. One of the most exciting things this year we did was Photoshop by taking a picture of ourselves and placing the image of us on a background which took time but it was worth it. It made the photos of us look so natural like if we were actually at the background place we chose. I liked that we got to experience the Photoshop skills that last year's 8th graders did as well. And I felt that I learned a lot of new features that I would not have learned if I wasn't in this class.
The second important thing I learned was coding. We even entered in the Microsoft coding competition which was a challenge. There were so many codes that took so long to perfect. But in the end we still won the competition which took so much effort. But it was worth it because Microsoft coding helped me understand coding much better.
The last thing that I learned that was important to me was going to the Microsoft Learning center which was a blast. We learned and discovered many new things that I never knew existed. They taught us special new techniques and showed us around the learning center. It was awesome because they had engineers teach us how to build a robot that will pick up balls.
Picture of my team and I building a working robot

Picture of the cabinet of Applied Tech

Picture of my team and I at the Microsoft Center
Link to Period 6 Folder
Link to Instagram
Link to Ashley
Link to Nadia