My Accomplishments In Applied Tech Some things that I learned this year in Applied Tech was Photoshop, Downhill racecar designing, and coding. These are the few of the many skills that we learned in this class. These skills are very critical in this era because the whole world is going digital. It is predicted that we will not be manually using anything anymore in the year 2025. We as a class Photoshpped pictures of ourselves. I Photoshopped myself three times with different backgrounds. First I took a picture in front of a green screen once. Then I used a program called Adobe Photoshop. It was a pretty easy task to Photoshop my pictures you will see the before and after pictures later on in the website. We have also designed decals for our industrial tech. We designed car designs for the downhill racecars we put what the student wanted on their race cars. We all did three cars each. We also made light box videos. My team and I scored third place in the whole school!! This was just some of the many things that we have done in this school year in Applied Tech. ~before I photoshopped my picture ~ ~after I photoshopped my picture ~ ~This is my team and I making a video for our classroom ~ |