I have had many accomplishments this school year. One of my accomplishments was going to Microsoft Tech Center, and doing fun things.
One the things we did was build a robot out of legos and try to get as many balls as you can. My second accomplishment is being able to code in order to create a really cool website. Mrs. Chang taught us how to create a website from scratch using codes. My third accomplishment this year was learning how to run a food truck and seeing what career you may want to choose in the future.
We made car designs for woodshop using paint program on the computers. They had to write on a paper the designs they wanted and where, it was a fun project especially since I made my own, it turned out pretty cool. We also did a drawing/video porject. People could team up to make a video about something and then they had to edit the video and share it to Mrs. Chang.
If you didn't want to make a video, you could've made a drawing with the drawing tablet. I made a drawing and I got 2nd place, other people in the school had to vote for their favorite video/drawing. The drawing tablet was pretty fun to use and a bit difficult.
Applied Tech has been really fun this year, and I would recommend you choosing it, becuase you do really fun projects and you learn many things. Thanks to Applied Tech I have made many accomplishments this year.

Here is a picture from before

Here is a picture after I photoshopped it

Here is a drawing I made and got 2nd place
Link to Period 6 Folder
Link to Chris
Link to Isaias
Link to instagram