Pyro's Dank Website


My Accomplishments in Applied Tech

This school year, I have accomplished many things including making new friends, pulled off a speech in front of the principal of the school, and many more. But what made this year stand out more than the others is that it's my last year of middle school and if I look back, it shows how much I have done in just a short time span of 1 year.

One of the things I've accomplished in this class is that I participated in a very important speech in front of the principal of the school. We had a problem because one day during Saturday school, their was a kid that told their parents that all they did was play "Minecraft" all day.

Another thing I learned is how to make a website which also leads to why this coding is a lot easier cause if I didn't find out, this would be a lot more difficult. We learned how to code from Microsoft and created our own website accessible on the phone and the computer!

We also made our own light box video from legos and the video is named, "Leaster Eggo". Out of the entire school, we had scored 2nd place! I had worked on this project as the editor for all the clip we had taken. This is how I met one of my good friends named Carlos!

Last but not least, I learned how to photoshop with a program named Element. We took a picture of ourselves in front of a green screen. After that we went on the internet to find our preferable background and photoshopped it behind us so it looked like we were there. That pretty much sums up my entire year at Applied Tech and this was only a few examples!

This is the picture before I photoshopped the picture...

This is the picture after I photoshopped the picture!

This is another picture I had photoshopped!

Link to Period 6 Folder
Link to Instagram
Link to Shawn
Link to Irene
