My Accomplishments in Applied Tech
The accomplishments I have made in Applied Tech are. First, winning Solar Panels for my
school. Also being able to go to Microsoft and learn about their technology. I have learned
so much in my Applied Teach class such as, photo shop, becoming an entrepreneur and how to buy
a house. Being in a Applied Tech class you learn a lot about computers.
Also, when you're in this class you learn how to code! When we went to Microsoft they showed
us how to code and how to make a Lego robot. Being in this class you can learn a lot about technology. Also in applied tech we learned
how to film videos. Also our class has won a grant that helped us get solar panels for our garden.

This is the picture before I photoshopped it...

This is the picture when I photoshopped it!

This is me pointing to the solar panels!
Link to Period 6 Folder
Link to Instagram
Link to Angelina
Link to Julianna