My Accomplishments in Applied Tech
This year as an Applied Tech student I learned a lot. For example at the beginning of the year I learned how to photoshop pictures, make my own weebly page and how to do coding. This year was fun because I got got to learn a lot from Mrs.Chang. We entered a competition about coding and we came in first place. We won $750 and with the money we went to the Microsoft Technology Center.
My experience when I did the coding was hard and fun at the same time. It was hard because in some parts it was confusing and you would get lost in some parts when you had to copy and past. When we won the competition we went to the Microsoft Technology Center and we had fun we got to learn a lot like for example we designed robots out of Legos and we had to make it move at first it was kinda hard because me and my partner didn't know what to build but then we came up with a designed and we got it done. After we finished with our robot we went to go test them and they worked. This year was the best with all the experiences I went through and I would like to thanks Mrs. Chang for everything.
"Going Solar" Team

Students taking pictures of The Plants
Students on Halloween
to Period 6 Folder
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Link to Julianna
Link to Karen