My Accomplishments in Applied Tech! Some things that I accomplished were photo shopping myself from a green screen to an island in Hawaii. In November, we began the OCDE student Technology Showcase which was “A picture is worth a thousand words”. In December of 2014, the class was interviewed and they came to seethe project we were currently working on which was stage 3.In January of 2014, the film crew came to film us doing “The three little pigs story" and they performed in front of the class and made a video on them. In February, a guest speaker came from Katella and spoke about the technology program in high school and told us about the scholarships for college and jobs they offer for the kids that are reallyinto that career. In March, westarted working on the “Rain Barrel” which is a trash can with a hose connected to it and it collects water from theroofs and saves our garden from dying. The creation that we made was adding wheels at the bottom to move it around anywhere you go. The “Down Hillcar was a race that is held at school and they made a website about it and it’s just for fun.Before