My Accomplishments in Applied Tech This year in Applied Tech I have accomplished so many things more than I ever did in any of my other classes honestly. For example in the OCDE Tech Showcase I including a few of my colleague have received a script about a fairy tale known as Goldilocks and the 3 bears. Our goal was to have one stage which would be the original story, the second stage would be the same, but in a different setting and the final stage would be redeeming the villain. So we basically did three different photo shopped pictures of this fairy tale therefore participating in the OCDE Tech Showcase. Another accomplishment I participated in was the P21 Sustainability Contest. In this contest I helped by researching on the current drought we are in and getting the specific details about it. I also helped write the script they were going to use at the contest including the slide. Another accomplishment I participated in was the Student Service Grant Award was me and a few of my class mates wrote a grant for 500 dollars in order to help with a project we were working on. I helped write it and fix the mistakes we also had a senior from Katella help out with our grant. Those would be some of my accomplishments this year in Applied Tech, but I have plenty more. Before