My Accomplishments in Applied Tech As an Applied Tech student I got the chance to go to the P21 Sustainability Contest. It was such an amazing experience. I realized that being confident when I’m up on stage can get me far in life, it will help me in many other contest. I have never got the chance to speak about our drought or our environment in front of judges. I would want to do it again with more experience. Another thing that I got to do was explain our Career Opportunities to other students. I got the chance to explain to many students where taking a technology class can get you in life. I got the chance to represent our class in Vital Link. I wanted to help other students to take a technology class in high school. I as an Applied Tech student would want to become an Entrepreneur. Taking Applied Tech and Business Tech has made me realize how technology can take over the world. Doing Photoshop for other students makes me feel proud of myself because I love showing students who are in Business Tech what you can do in Applied Tech. I had to Photoshop a “ flying baby”. They wanted the baby to be in a Frozen theme. So it took me a while to do it why? Because the dad was in the picture and the green screen was in it to. I had to erase the dad and the green screen I found a Frozen picture. I copied the babies picture after the green screen and the dad were no longer in the picture . I copied the babies picture and put it in the frozen theme. The baby in the picture is facing the opposite way as Olaf, Anna, and Kristoff. After I was finished photo shopping I was proud of myself. Thanks to Mrs.Chang for being such an amazing teacher ,and taking her time to show me how to Photoshop, and how to motivate me in going to college and having good grades. BEFORE