My Accomplishments in Applied Tech
In Applied Tech I have accomplished lots of new things in this class and I’m happy to be here this year and last year. One of the things I have accomplished was the Downhill Car Project. My group was in charge of making a power point. I also learned how to photo shop a picture of a person in front of the green screen on to a different back ground by going on Adobe Photoshop Element 4.0 , finishing this project I felt happy and excited to even start this project.
We also learned some basic coding on Radius and we are going to learn more than just basic coding we are also going to make our own website using only coding we stated this last weekend I’m happy and glad I’m going to have my own website. On Back to School Night we used a green screen to Photoshop our gest to a different back ground.


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link to Shelly
Link to Period 2 Folder